Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hello, Earthlings.

I've never written a blog in my life, but I guess this is yet another way (outside of Twitter, facebook, etc) for narcissistic reality stars to make themselves feel important to strangers.  So I'm hopping on the bandwagon.

Truthfully, I have a lot of fucked-up views and opinions, so this whole "blogging" concept may not be such a bad idea for me.  Or maybe it's a horrible idea for me, because this could turn into a PR nightmare.

Either way, I'm looking forward to using technology as a free therapeutic brain-dump.  Follow along if you'd like.  I'm just as much a fan of you as you are of me...


  1. Hey I'm your first follower & your first commenter. Popped the cherry. Hope things are going well and can't wait to read what you have to say :] One of the only interesting damned people on television this summer for sure so I'm sure this blog will be plethora of entertainment and insight ;] Keep rocking.


  2. Hey Matt all I have to say is you were by far robbed of BB12. The final three should have been you, Ragan, and Brit...the 3 best players. You made this summer/cast interesting. I loved your diary room sessions, so I am sure this blog will be just as entertaining. Don't let Enzo fool you, I know you came up with the Bra-gade! You're the only one smart enough to.

  3. Going to be honest here and say you were not my favorite in the house. But everyone gets a clean slate when they get out of the house and I have to say I have enjoyed all your interviews and your tweets. I also love you for the fact that you texted Hayden about my friend Stephanie from the West Coast. You are so fan friendly and a genuine person. Love Stacy too.

    Can't wait to read more of your blog...

  4. Hey Matt! It was great to chat with you last nite on superpass!I loved making you ,ragan and chelsia laugh! And the shout outs to room 65 blew up the room! everyone wanted to come and see who this crazy person is from da bronx! ha ha! With the calling out enzo to the Roid Rage Cream bust!

    It was tons of fun for sure! you got way more hearts and kisses than tomato's and darts!!

    I remember your appearance on average joe! i was like" this guys is gonna get crushed!" i would love for you to blog about that if you ever get a chance to go into your memory banks for it! Or is that "shooting blanks" at this time in your life! ha ha

    I wish you good fortune with your reality career! You're an entertaining individual!

  5. Matt, it's me Stephanie from the West Coast! Great to talk to you again last night and Ragan. He really wasn't my favorite at anytime; however, you both got my showmance vote on the blog I go to during Big Brother. Just watched a Shooting Blank Video, Doesn't Matter Anyway(think thats the title) great song! Loved it, might even have to go and buy me one of your CD's.

    How did you enjoy Seattle? I lived there my first 9 years of life, I have only been able to go back a few times. My elementary school is now a pshyc ward or something like that, I had my kids take a picture of me in front of it last time we were up there. Not many people can say their elementary school is now a place for crazy people . . . hey, does that mean I am crazy . . .

    So will be stopping back by your website to check in, of course will still follow you on twitter and Mrs Ragan HOffman, still think you all should be in some type of sitcom . . . maybe a reality based sitcom . . . someone get me an agent . . .

  6. Hey Coolness! You were so awesome on BB12! I couldn't believe You didn't win-You should be a millionaire!!! Anyway it's so great of You to be excessiable to Your fans! Thank You Matt!!! I await Your words of wisdom & intergalatic thoughts! I am Your grasshopper!

  7. Love 2 see u have a blog matt! Like i've said b4 u should have ur own show/talk radio etc... Luv

  8. You were my favorite BB12 HG this summer - At a close 2nd was Ragan. I'm sooo glad Ragan made peace with your BB12 evil twin!! I LOVE the idea of you guys doing Amazing Race together, but a reality TV show would be even better!!

    If you do any gigs in the Chicago area, be sure to post details! I may have to drive the 2 hrs to see ya! Watched the videos of Shooting Blanks and love the music.

    Can't wait to hear more from you!

  9. Hey Matt you were my favorite hg on bb 12. You should of won. You made BB enjoyable this summer that was until you left...which sucked.I am really excited to read your blog and all the other goodies that will be on the Gremlin Cave!

  10. Thanks for making a blog. I wish nothing but the best for you. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you. You are so awesome please never lose that confidence I love it. <3

  11. Matt, Matt, Matt,
    What can I say? I was forced to watch an episode of BB at my sister's and saw the Diabolical Super Genius at work. I was hooked! I never watched reality t.v. before, never been a fan of "reality" in general, actually. I told you on BBAD blog radio that you probably understand that, as big fans of the show, and BBAD, we start to feel as though we are vicarious, albeit, pervy "friends" of you all eventually. Please forgive us our familiarity, we awesome-super-geniuses out there love you!(I'm a bona-fide super genius who slacks all day, btw)
    You and Stacy have been incredibly nice to all the fans! Your band has inspired me to pick up my guitar again, I thought I'd start back with punk, because it's "so easy", and I managed to bang out the Misfits' "Last Caress" like it was yesterday! For that, I thank you! For that, my friends say, "fuck you", but fuck them, cuz "it doesn't matter anyway"
    Looking forward to your brain-dumps!

  12. Welcome to the blogosphere! Glad that you took the advice of a few to blog here. I don't blog myself, but I find a lot of them to be good reads whether I agree or not. Don't be afraid to ruffle feathers, that's bound to happen.

    As far as being narcissistic, you'll be fine as long as it doesn't become a 'Dear Diary'. As a reality star you should pride yourself in being able to put two words together and have them make sense.I really enjoyed your tweettelage as HoH on BB.

  13. Matt,
    Remember when you wrote a guest blog for us? That was awesome! Fans, read Matt's funny "Gift Giving for Dummies" submission!

  14. Hey matt! I looked at your website and I have to say that your website don't suck one bit. It just needs improvement. I'm glad that you are taking the initiative to make yourself famous again. see, what I don't understand about some people out there is that..they don't want to become famous in this world. Let's talk about my friends for example: I tell them, "I wish I was famous." They look at me and say, "ugh, well I don't. People always looking at me." eh, I don't understand them.
    Well, I hope that things go well. you know, with the website, life in particular. I have total faith in you dude. keep on rockin! :)
    ~your fan, Veronica

  15. Hello, Matt. I'll just watch you be famous. People need to do what they want, or what others want them to see you and Ragan in Amazing Race. There are lots of An----r's.

  16. Matt finally found the #poopoobandit here is a link for a live feed recap of the day with times for flashback. I forgot how you made a diagram/schematic of the damaged toliet from the poopoobandit. Here is a interesting lil tid bit from this recap
    "Rachel pipes up and says that she doesnt think its one of the girls either and that she hadnt used the washroom up there yesterday. (Which is a lie …she was up there with Kathy and Kristen complaining about how gross she felt and really needed to go to the bathroom. Then used the HOH bathroom.)"
    That's what eating garlic vanilla pancakes with sour cream ontop will do to you. Here's the link

  17. Im a little late to the party. I am always late. Matt I absolutly adore and respect you. You are one of my favorite Big Brother House Guests ever, and I dont say that to just anyone. I laughed at "the lie", I was outraged at "pretzel gate" and loved your shomance. Your blog is a lot of fun to read. Keep up the fun work! When BB comes back on are you going to blog about it? Cant wait to see what this year has in store for you!!!
